Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Saturday, March 7, 2009
So far for 2009
So far for 2009, life has been a horrible roller coaster ride. Only two good things are going on right now. My baby girl is still getting all A's and my (yarn)social life is very active right now. My group has been meeting every Tues. for a few months now, until we got a few more people. Now, we've started meeting on Thurs. also. Makes it easier for everyone to at least make one of the get-togethers each week. Me, I'm loving it! If nothing comes up, I'm there both days.
Ok, back to the horrible part of life. Hubby has to find a new job before he loses the one he has. No fault to him. The place is closing down by the end of the year. What sucks the most is that he's been there for 17 yrs. and this is what he gets. STRESS!!! When he does get another job, it probably will be less pay for him. Which means that I need to find a job, to make up the lose of money that won't be coming in from his pay. The only thing I'm not looking forward to is that the general public gets on my nerves terribly. Now, if I could find a job where I can be in a room all by myself and not have to deal w/ anyone... That would be perfect. Pretty much, I'd like to have a data entry job where someone just pops in and tosses paperwork on my desk and leaves. I've learned w/ my past jobs, getting nice w/ co-workers causes problems in the long run. I swear! What is wrong w/ people? It's like "they" have nothing better to do then talk sh*t about everyone around them. Umm, excuse me..... YOU ARE NOT PERFECT EITHER!!!
Ok, ok! I'm done ranting. Told ya... the general public gets on my nerves terribly.
Well, I feel a little bit better getting some steam out... lol. Now, I'm going to go finish watching my "scary" vampire movie and work on my FLS.(for those of you who don't knit... Feb. Lady Sweater)
p.s. Yeah, I suck too!!! Put your big girl pantys on and deal w/ it! .... LOL!!!!!!!!
YarnChic >:-)
BTW..... March is National Crochet Month! ( Lift those hooks and be proud! )